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Affordable Inclusive Milton's mission is to increase the amount of affordable housing in Milton and promote a racially and economically diverse population throughout the geography of the Town.

Organization Goals

We seek to:

  • Increase the amount of affordable housing in Milton.

  • Promote a racially and economically diverse population throughout the geography of the Town.

  • Promote affordable housing options for seniors who want to live in Milton.

  • Promote livability for prospective residents, town employees, and others who work in town.

  • Promote racial equity in health, education, and other rights related to housing.

Strategy and Action Priorities 
  • Support and advocate for Milton Affordable Housing Trust initiatives:

    • Advocate for Milton to use some of its American Rescue Plan Act funds for affordable housing.

    • Advocate for $300K for Gov. Stoughton Trust allocation to Affordable Housing Trust.

    • Influence content of the RFP for proposals to develop the Town Farm site. 

    • Advocate to get as much Community Preservation Act money as possible allocated for affordable housing.


  • Support/promote additional initiatives that would likely but not necessarily involve Affordable Housing Trust leadership, such as:

    • Develop publicly owned (Town and State) land for affordable housing.

    • Create or collaborate with local, non-profit organization(s) to create new affordable housing.

    • Advocacy for additional Section 8 vouchers.

    • Explore creative use of existing structures for new affordable housing.

    • Launch a pilot affordable housing program in which homeowners could participate.

    • Plan/advocate for redevelopment of Ulin Rink property.


  • Advocate for selected affordable housing development proposals

    • Develop and adopt standards to define and advance “friendly” 40B developments.

    • Support selected 40B and other (non-40B) projects.

    • Testify at public hearings, Letters to the Editor, etc. for high priority project(s).


  • Public education to support coalition goals.

    • Basic information about principles, needs/inequities, requirements, opportunities, actors, interests, etc.

    • Targets for # affordable housing, percentage of AMI, etc.


  • Adopt Town-wide Inclusionary zoning ordinances 

    • Zoning tools to promote affordable housing for local workforce

    • Mandatory minimum of affordable units for new developments

    • Fees from developers in lieu of affordable unit production, etc.

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