Affordable Inclusive Milton's mission is to increase the amount of affordable housing in Milton and promote a racially and economically diverse population throughout the geography of the Town.
Organization Goals
We seek to:
Increase the amount of affordable housing in Milton.
Promote a racially and economically diverse population throughout the geography of the Town.
Promote affordable housing options for seniors who want to live in Milton.
Promote livability for prospective residents, town employees, and others who work in town.
Promote racial equity in health, education, and other rights related to housing.
Strategy and Action Priorities
Support and advocate for Milton Affordable Housing Trust initiatives:
Advocate for Milton to use some of its American Rescue Plan Act funds for affordable housing.
Advocate for $300K for Gov. Stoughton Trust allocation to Affordable Housing Trust.
Influence content of the RFP for proposals to develop the Town Farm site.
Advocate to get as much Community Preservation Act money as possible allocated for affordable housing.
Support/promote additional initiatives that would likely but not necessarily involve Affordable Housing Trust leadership, such as:
Develop publicly owned (Town and State) land for affordable housing.
Create or collaborate with local, non-profit organization(s) to create new affordable housing.
Advocacy for additional Section 8 vouchers.
Explore creative use of existing structures for new affordable housing.
Launch a pilot affordable housing program in which homeowners could participate.
Plan/advocate for redevelopment of Ulin Rink property.
Advocate for selected affordable housing development proposals
Develop and adopt standards to define and advance “friendly” 40B developments.
Support selected 40B and other (non-40B) projects.
Testify at public hearings, Letters to the Editor, etc. for high priority project(s).
Public education to support coalition goals.
Basic information about principles, needs/inequities, requirements, opportunities, actors, interests, etc.
Targets for # affordable housing, percentage of AMI, etc.
Adopt Town-wide Inclusionary zoning ordinances
Zoning tools to promote affordable housing for local workforce
Mandatory minimum of affordable units for new developments
Fees from developers in lieu of affordable unit production, etc.